The Intriguing History and Art of Clarinet Flutter-Tonguing

The clarinet is an instrument packed with character, capable of producing an enormous range of tones and effects. One particularly evocative technique is flutter-tonguing, a distinct articulation that has long intrigued audiences and players alike. Though it may seem modern, historical clarinet flutter-tonguing has a storied past worth exploring. This fascinating chapter in clarinet history offers insights into how you might incorporate this technique into your own playing. ...  read more

The Intriguing History and Art of Clarinet Flutter-Tonguing

Exploring the Craft of the Clarinet in M-Base: A Guide to Tradition and Innovation

The clarinet has an incredible history, spanning centuries of music and cultural evolution. Pair that with the creative pulse of M-Base music, and you've got a pairing that sparks curiosity—and some truly unforgettable soundscapes. But what makes the “Clarinet in M-Base” special? Why are players of all levels, from beginners to pros, drawn to this artistic combination? ...  read more

Exploring the Craft of the Clarinet in M-Base: A Guide to Tradition and Innovation

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: Ten Little Indians

When discussing the Significance of Ten Little Indians on Clarinet music, I love reflecting on how deeply woven this piece is into both teaching and performing. You know how some songs just stick with you forever? This simple childhood tune opens up so many possibilities for clarinetists at every level. ...  read more

Ten Little Indians

Exploring Historical Clarinet Multiphonics: Techniques and Perspectives

Introduction to Historical Clarinet Multiphonics

Historical clarinet multiphonics offer a fascinating glimpse into the creativity and versatility of this beloved instrument. If you've ever heard a clarinet produce multiple notes at once, you've encountered the mesmerizing effect of multiphonics. While these techniques often evoke images of avant-garde performances, they are deeply rooted in the evolution of clarinet music. Let's explore where they began, how they developed, and their impact on clarinet players today. ...  read more

Exploring Historical Clarinet Multiphonics: Techniques and Perspectives

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: I’m a little teapot

The Simple Beauty of “I'm a Little Teapot” for Clarinet

At first glance, you wouldn't think “I'm a Little Teapot” has much to do with clarinet music. After all, it's a simple tune that most people associate with toddlers learning hand motions. But for clarinetists, this charming children's classic has an undeniable role in shaping foundational skills and inspiring creativity. ...  read more

I'm a little teapot

Clarinet Reed Storage Case with UV Protection: Why It Matters for Your Playing

As any clarinetist will tell you, reeds are the heart of your sound. Whether you're playing a soulful solo or blending harmoniously in an ensemble, your reed needs to perform flawlessly. But how often do we actually think about protecting those fragile little strips of cane? That's where a clarinet reed storage case with UV protection becomes as vital as the clarinet itself. ...  read more

Clarinet Reed Storage Case with UV Protection: Why It Matters for Your Playing

Clarinet Ligature Reed Placement: Tips for Getting the Perfect Sound

The Art of Clarinet Sound: Perfecting Your Setup

There's nothing quite like the sound of a clarinet when it's played with the right setup. One of the lesser-discussed, yet incredibly important, aspects of achieving that perfect tonal quality is getting your clarinet ligature reed placement spot-on. It might sound a bit technical, but trust me, once you get the hang of it, your music will thank you! Let's explore this important clarinet topic in more detail. ...  read more

Clarinet Ligature Reed Placement: Tips for Getting the Perfect Sound

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: Pop Goes the Weasel

The Simple Yet Powerful “Pop Goes the Weasel”

The tune “Pop Goes the Weasel” might seem like just a playful nursery rhyme to many, but in clarinet circles, it's become something much more special. This simple melody packs quite a punch – bringing together history, helpful practice techniques, and amazing flexibility that makes it a standout piece in clarinet music. ...  read more

Pop Goes the Weasel