Category Archives: Free Clarinet Fingering Charts: Scales

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: A Harmonic Minor Scale

The A Harmonic Minor Scale: A Musical Journey

When we think about the A harmonic minor scale, we see more than just notes and fingerings; we discover a rich musical landscape! This scale has significantly influenced clarinet music, shaping everything from classical masterpieces to jazz improvisations. Let's explore the historical importance of the A harmonic minor scale and how it became a cornerstone in clarinet repertoires. ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: F# Harmonic Minor Scale

The F# Harmonic Minor scale plays a captivating role in clarinet music, with a rich history that's worth exploring. This scale isn't just a series of notes; it's a musical journey that composers and musicians have used to paint vivid emotional landscapes. Created to express complex feelings, the F# Harmonic Minor scale embodies the push and pull of conflict and resolution – key elements in musical storytelling. For clarinetists, mastering this scale can truly enhance your performance. ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: F Harmonic Minor Scale

When you hear the rich, expressive tones of the clarinet, you might wonder about the scales that lay the foundation for such beautiful music. One notable scale that has shaped the clarinet's repertoire is the F Harmonic Minor Scale. This scale is more than just a series of notes; it carries a history and significance that spans across time and genres. ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: E Harmonic Minor Scale

Introduction to the E Harmonic Minor Scale

The E Harmonic Minor scale has significantly shaped clarinet music throughout history. This scale, consisting of the notes E, F# (raised), G, A, B, C, and D# (raised), provides clarinetists with a unique tonal palette and emotional range that spans various musical genres. Let's explore the history, development, and use of this scale, shedding light on its technical features and expressive capabilities. ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: B Harmonic Major Scale [Key Signature] B Major [Time Signature] 4/4 [Tempo] 100 BPM [Measure 1] b’4 cis”4 dis”4 e”4

If you're exploring clarinet music, the B Harmonic Major Scale holds some captivating historical importance that's worth discovering. Over time, it has offered composers a distinctive set of notes, adding richness to clarinet compositions with its unique sound. But what makes this scale truly special? Let's explore! ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: D Harmonic Minor Scale

Introduction to the D Harmonic Minor Scale

The D Harmonic Minor scale holds a special place in the clarinet world. It's not just a sequence of notes, but a musical journey with deep historical roots. This scale's unique structure, featuring a raised seventh scale degree, creates captivating tensions and resolutions in music. It invites listeners on an emotional ride, making melodies soar with depth and longing that other scales struggle to match. ...  read more

Free Clarinet Fingering Chart: C# Harmonic Minor Scale


Have you ever thought about how certain scales hold special meaning in the world of music? One gem that often flies under the radar is the C# Harmonic Minor scale. It's this intriguing mixture of notes that not only shapes melodies but also has quite the history in clarinet music! So, let's take a journey down this vibrant musical path to uncover its significance. ...  read more