Mastering the Pee Wee Russell Dixieland Style on Clarinet

Introducing Pee Wee Russell: A Dixieland Jazz Legend

When you think of Dixieland jazz, the name Pee Wee Russell pops up like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. He was a true master of clarinet, a breath of fresh air who took the instrument to heights that made listeners swoon! Let's explore how you can play in the style of this legendary clarinetist.

The Essence of Pee Wee Russell's Style

Pee Wee Russell's style blended tradition with innovation. He was known for a melodic expressiveness that was all his own, making the clarinet sing in ways that listeners could hardly resist. One of the key aspects of his playing was his distinctive vibrato which added a rich emotional layer to each note. So, how can you capture this flair? Experiment with a slow and wide vibrato, oscillating your pitch a little while practicing to make it sound natural.

Key Elements of Pee Wee Russell's Playing Style

Element Description
Vibrato Distinctive, slow, and wide
Improvisation Spontaneous and playful
Phrasing Surprising twists and turns
Altissimo Notes Used for dramatic punctuation

Improving Your Dixieland Jazz Skills

If you want to get better, start by working on your improv skills. This genre thrives on the spontaneous nature of jazz. Try playing along with your favorite Dixieland recordings. Listen for how Russell and his contemporaries like Louis Armstrong engage in playful musical conversations. It's important to embrace that ‘call-and-response' style! You'll sense the back-and-forth exchange, sometimes leading, sometimes following—it's a delightful dance on the clarinet.

Let's talk about phrasing! Russell had a knack for sneaking in surprising twists and turns in his melodies, catching the audience off guard. Practice your favorite licks but be sure to play with a swing feel. You gotta feel the groove! Add in some syncopated rhythms and take some chances. Pushing the envelope is part of the game!

Mastering Altissimo Notes

Your altissimo notes will also take you far, as they often serve as the crowning jewels in the clarinet's expressive range. Use them to punctuate your phrases dramatically. Pee Wee was a pro at these popping high notes, catching listeners' attention effortlessly. Take time to control your breath and embouchure to get those notes cleanly.

Playing in a Dixieland Ensemble

Now let's talk about the musical texture—Dixieland often features clarinet in harmony alongside saxophones and trumpets. Understand your role within the ensemble. Will you take the lead? Or provide embellishments? Good clarinetists need to weave in and out, fitting seamlessly into the intricate sound created by their fellow musicians. You're not just playing notes; you're adding to an engaging story unfolding with every beat.

Choosing the Right Instrument

Speaking of sounds, let's not overlook Martin Freres clarinets! Known for their exceptional craftsmanship, these instruments help brighten the clarity and timbre necessary to emulate that classic Dixieland sound. While you're mastering your style, the right instrument can make a big difference in achieving that sound. The quality of sound produced can indeed elevate your performance and impress audiences.

Learning from the Masters

Every so often listen to those vibrant solos from the golden age of Dixieland. Study the technique of clarinet greats like Pee Wee Russell. Take notes—figuratively speaking! You'll gather so many ideas to sprinkle into your own playing. Just remember: it's not about copying his style but finding your unique voice within those influences.

Enjoying the Performance

Lastly, embrace the joy and spontaneity of performing! Emulate how Pee Wee Russell seemed to enjoy every single note he played, like every performance was a celebration. Get out with your friends or join a local band—let that excitement fuel your learning experience and remember to smile. You're creating music that connects with the soul!


With practice and passion, you're on your way to mastering the indispensable style of Pee Wee Russell. Keep these tips in mind and enjoy the wonderful journey ahead in Dixieland clarinet playing!

Table of Contents

Mastering the Pee Wee Russell Dixieland Style on Clarinet