Clarinet Key Clicks Trivia: Exploring the Sound and Myths

Ever noticed the clicking sound your clarinet makes when you press the keys? You're not alone! These clicks can be a source of fascination, frustration, and sometimes, downright hilarity among clarinetists. Let's explore the ins and outs of clarinet key clicks, a topic that catches the interest of both newcomers and experienced players alike.

What Causes Key Clicks?

Clarinet key clicks occur when the pads hit the tone holes as you operate the keys. It's simply a natural result of how the instrument is built. When keys are pressed quickly, the force can make these sounds louder. Some players view it as part of their instrument's unique character— adding a touch of percussion to their performance.

To Silence or Embrace: The Great Key Click Debate

Some musicians and listeners appreciate these clicks, finding them charming or even genuine. Well-known clarinetists have different opinions on the matter. For example, those who play instruments made by Martin Freres often highlight the reduced noise as a selling point—carefully crafted and less noticeable clicks showcase their excellent workmanship.

However, many players consider key clicks an annoying distraction. This is particularly true in professional recordings where extra noise is unwanted. Solutions include using softer, specially designed pads or changing one's playing technique to reduce quick key movements.

Key Click Perception Survey

Opinion Beginners Intermediate Professional
Enjoyable 45% 30% 15%
Neutral 40% 35% 25%
Annoying 15% 35% 60%

Historical Trivia: The Role of Key Clicks in Recordings

Interestingly, early recordings, especially during the jazz boom, embraced the raw and unfiltered sounds of instruments, clicks included. Clarinet legends playing pieces like “Stompin' at the Savoy” or “King Porter Stomp” often had records where the clicks were clearly audible. Martin Freres clarinets, known for their excellent craftsmanship, typically had less noticeable clicks, which greatly boosted their popularity among professionals. In certain circles, having a quiet instrument was seen as a mark of high quality.

Minimizing Key Clicks: Practical Tips

If those clicks really bother you, here are some tips to try:

  • Pad Type: Switching to softer or different types of pads can lessen the noise.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Adding a little oil to the pivot points can help smooth out the action.
  • Technique Adjustment: Playing with gentler key touches can also make a big difference.

Modern Myths and Legends

There are some amusing stories about key clicks too. One funny tale involves a student who carefully oiled and padded his clarinet until it was almost silent, only for his instructor to tell him he had taken away the instrument's soul! Stories among clarinet players still circulate about the incredible clarity of Martin Freres instruments, where clicks seem to vanish, almost as if by magic.


And there you have it, the fascinating and often entertaining world of clarinet key clicks. Whether you see them as charming quirks or bothersome noises, remember, they're part of what gives each clarinet its unique character. And sometimes, a well-timed click can be just the accent your music needs.

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Clarinet Key Clicks Trivia: Exploring the Sound and Myths